mardi 8 décembre 2009

Once again in Toronto

Tuesday, November 3rd 2009. I went to Toronto again, this time I took the 1$ megabus, and returned to Montréal by train after a failed attempt to do it by hitchhiking.

This trip was really different from the first one, and far more fun too. I went with a Friend and it was quiet interesting. The thing that was different from the other trips is that we tried couchsurfing for the first time, and this is what made it amazing. We stayed at the SHAH (not the Shah you know as a persian king, but the Super
Happy Awesome House). It's a big house, where we were couchsurfing for 3 nights, we met there many travelers, most of them were French. we hang out all night long, they showed us some awesome places I like to call it the cultural side of Toronto which is really different from the Toronto downtown where there's nothing interesting but tall buildings, and Tim hortons' in every bloc. Among those tall buildings and skyscrapers there's the CN tower. I went up to the skypod, which is the highest observation spot in the world, cost me around $30 but it was worth it.
We were planning to go visit niagara falls, our 1$ bus was leaving at 8pm and we were too lazy to wake up at 7am. No need to rush in holydays! We decided to go the
next day, but again, we woke up really late and we didn't have time to hitchhike our way to Niagara.

Saturday, I was feeling a bit sick, so we started hitchiking back to Montréal, everything went well til we got to Cobourg, ON. It was like a black hole, we were stuck there and the village sucked hard. I was feeling worst and worst.... I was sweating and coughing all night long. I spent the night there, and sort of slept for a few hours, my friend woke me up at 3 or 4 am to "visit the village" which I couldn't do because of my sickness. The next morning I took the first train, it was the only option I had to go to Montréal because hitching wasn't working, and there was no bus in town.

Sunday noon, I was in Montréal. First thing i did, I went to a medical to center. They told me I had the swine flu(h1n1), which is ironic cause we were making so many jokes about it in Toronto. In the afternoon, I took the first bus home in Sherbrooke. I sent an email to my college telling them I'm not gonna be able to go back to school for another week.

Toronto view form the skypod in the CN tower

mercredi 30 septembre 2009

What in the world am I doing here?

I went to Regina, SK and Saskatoon, SK, and I realized that people actually live there. Most of them are conservative rednecks (I knew it cause the all had the "we support our troops" tag in their huge trucks). So next time, I'm gonna make sure I'm not gonna pass through this place, cause It was boring as F*ck.

The desert in the Great White North

Okanagan Desert, BC, Canada! Just admit it, it's weird when you see for the first time the word desert then followed by Canada! I'm still wondering how could it happen, I mean why is there a desert where temperature often exceed 40C in probably the coldest country in the world? I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it with my own eyes. :s

The boxing day in Toronto

Eaton centre Toronto December 26, 2008 I was there, I could'nt believe my eyes. I was amazed and surprised at the same time. There were too many people, because the mall can't handle all of them, people were linning up at the entrance of every store. However, I felt in love with the city from the first day, I liked the multicultural side of it. ^^

This is how Eaton centre looks like in the boxing day. I didn't take the picture, I found it in Wikipedia (CC licence)

jeudi 24 septembre 2009

First time in Montréal

I will never forget the first impression of the city when I first got off the plane and took the aerobus to Montreal downtown. It was magic: people riding bicycles, the European style of the city, the culture... everything. From that day on, I wanted to live in Montréal :) But I had to go to Sherbrooke in order to go to College.

It all started here!

July, 21 2007. Here I am at Casablanca airport with my cousin, leaving Morocco for the first time in my life. And this is the day I left home and my familly. I was 18.